We were given hope, and we got nothing
Empty promises ... Joanna Penglase and Leonie Sheedy, who lobbied for the Forgotten Australians inquiry, are disappointed by the lack of change.
By Gerard Ryle and Lisa PryorJune 20, 2005
The bus to Canberra had scarcely left Sydney, but already Joanna Penglase felt she was at the end of a momentous journey.
Perched up front in a bright yellow poncho, she shared the joy of her fellow passengers. Like them, she believed things were about to change.
Much of the country witnessed what unfolded next. Only hours later, on TV sets around the country, senators wept openly when releasing the results of an inquiry so shocking it was swiftly dubbed the "white stolen generation" report.
It acknowledged one of Australia's darkest chapters: the brutal mistreatment of about 500,000 children in orphanages and children's homes.
"We hired a bus and we went to Canberra because we wanted to be there," says Ms Penglase, who was once one of those mistreated children.
"We sat in the gallery and the attendants let us clap and cheer. They didn't stop us, the way you usually get evicted from the gallery for making noise. It was a wonderful day."
But as it turned out, Ms Penglase, her party and the rest of the country were deceived. Since that day last August 30, the report's 39 recommendations - carrying the promise of help for thousands of damaged people - have remained little more than just words.
The Federal Government has not formally responded, as it is obliged to do. The senators, who titled their report Forgotten Australians, are powerless to intercede. It is a well-repeated pattern. A Herald investigation has found that hundreds of Senate recommendations have been either ignored or forgotten in the past 10 years.
The Government is not legally obliged to carry out the recommendations of the inquiries, which have covered such subjects as health in the military and the number of nurses in public hospitals.
Public records show the Government has failed to reply to 46 of the 137 Senate inquiries undertaken since June 1996. It has responded to only four on time, with many of its replies late by more than a year, some by about four years.
The amount of public money spent on Senate investigations that are then disregarded is confounding. The Clerk of the Senate, Harry Evans, says an estimated $460,930 was spent examining the plight of children in care. A further $279,280 is estimated to have been spent on inquiring into poverty, an irony not lost on those who gave evidence.
From April to August 2003, senators investigating that issue flew to public hearings in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Lismore, Perth, Darwin, Brisbane, Townsville, Ballarat, Hobart, Melbourne and Adelaide. The result? A 551-page report that has been gathering dust since March 2004.
More than 340 people gave evidence to the poverty inquiry, and more than 250 people, community groups and charities made written submissions, often incurring further expense.
Father Joe Caddy, from Catholic Welfare Australia, says his organisation spent about $20,000 compiling its submission. "You are really talking about somebody writing for two months. You are talking about a lot of meetings and consultations and quite a few air fares. I am struggling to find what we got out of it."
Howard Mole, the manager of the Salvation Army community services centre at Newcastle, says the experience left him cold. "[I did it] so that the powers that be might have some understanding of the implications of poverty, what it actually means at the coalface. I don't think anything has actually happened as a result of it."
Another witness, Gary Moore, the director of the NSW Council of Social Service, said similar inquiries in Britain and Ireland had led to profound change. But not so in this country. "I guess that is where democracy is letting us down. Certainly the notion about it being about good policy to deliver better outcomes for people generally really doesn't occupy centre stage in Australian political life."
The poor may be no better off, but the senators did quite nicely.
As part of their parliamentary allowances, senators are entitled to up to $393 for every day they are away from home for an inquiry, the Remuneration Tribunal says. And those who chair an inquiry can earn bonuses of up to $17,083.
The Government does sometimes give what appear to be comprehensive responses, albeit rarely within the three-month time limit. But when the layers of the response are peeled back, a different reality emerges.
For instance, in August 2000 the Government provided a 20-page answer to the 35 recommendations of a report on childbirth procedures.
The report had been tabled eight months earlier and contained evidence from more than 100 health experts at hearings in Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Brisbane.
But, says Pat Brodie, the president of the NSW Midwives Association and one of those who gave evidence, very little has changed.
"Some of the recommendations may be evident in policy but they have not been implemented in practice," she says.
The inquiry is particularly resonant because of the introduction to its recommendations by the then Labor senator, and chairwoman of the inquiry, Rosemary Crowley.
"This Senate report is very timely. It follows a series of state and national reports which have reviewed childbirth services: in NSW ( Shearman Report, 1989), in Victoria ( Having a Baby in Victoria, 1990), in Western Australia ( Select Committee on Intervention in Childbirth - The Turnbull Report, 1995) and the National Health and Medical Research Council ( Options for Effective Care in Childbirth, 1996).
"All of these reports made recommendations, almost none of which have been acted upon. It is time for national leadership!"
National leadership is a recurring theme in Senate reports. But the talk does not always translate into action.
For more than 16 months, beginning in 2001, senators conducted an inquiry into urban water use in Australia. They visited Townsville, Brisbane, Sydney, Bendigo, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide and accepted 82 public submissions.
In December 2002, the senators made 16 recommendations, including the need to change all toilet cisterns in Parliament House to dual-flush in order to save water. It was by way of setting a example to the rest of the country.
The Government has yet to respond and the old toilets remain, parliamentary staff say.
Another report left to languish by the Government is from a 17-month inquiry into Australian relations with Pacific island states - hailed as a first for the Senate.
The inquiry took five senators to Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea to make an "up-to-the-minute assessment" of regional affairs, with the Prime Minister's Office allowing them the use of an RAAF aircraft.
The senators also held eight public hearings in Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.
"There is no substitute for this sort of first-hand information exchange," said the delegation's leader, the Labor senator Peter Cook, in a press release announcing the overseas trip. "As a result, our report will be comprehensive and its recommendations highly relevant."
Their report, which was presented on August 12, 2003, includes photographs of the guards of honour several nations afforded to their visiting dignitaries.
Some inquiries take so long to report that the original concerns are no longer an issue. For instance, in October 2002 the Senate began investigating the use of rural water. It finished in August 2004, after 11 public hearings in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Darwin and in rural towns in NSW, Queensland and Western Australia, but by that time other arms of government - state and federal - had set a water reform agenda. This rendered the inquiry largely irrelevant.
To confuse matters even further, the House of Representatives conducted a very similar inquiry at the same time and reached largely the same conclusions. "In light of this the committee prefers not to attempt another detailed report at this time," the senators said.
Mr Evans is quick to point out that not all inquiries are into matters of great social wrongs. And the cost of each inquiry also varies greatly, from less than $10,000 to more than $400,000. This is less than comparable inquiries by ministerial statutory review or by the Productivity Commission, he says.
But when the Senate does tackle social issues - and then when nothing happens as a result - it has an impact on the victims concerned.
"You get the impression that the whole thing was more for the benefit of politicians than for victims or the community at large," says Charles MacKenzie, the president of the Independent Blood Council and one of the investigators of an inquiry held last year into how the deadly hepatitis C virus made its way into the blood supply.
"We expected the Senate inquiry to bring help. But two of our members have already died waiting for that help."
The blood inquiry, which cost taxpayers an estimated $161,770, heard evidence of a medical tragedy on an unprecedented scale, affecting tens of thousands of people. Mr MacKenzie says the Government's formal response was months late and totally inadequate.
His abiding memory is of senators lunching on lobster and salmon while witnesses struggled to get to the inquiry on public transport.
Maureen Lewis, who told the inquiry how she got hepatitis C from a blood transfusion after giving birth, says the Senate brought her little more than a cup of tea and a biscuit.
"It was just a complete waste of time. I should have spoken to a brick wall for what we got out of it," she says. "It was just, 'Thanks very much', and you catch the bus home … You never hear any outcomes."
The Reverend Bill Crews, who runs a soup kitchen at the Exodus Foundation in Ashfield and who gave evidence to all three hearings on poverty, infected blood and children-in-care, says the public perception is that parliamentary inquiries lead to change.
He thinks the money might have been better spent feeding the poor: "The end result of it all is disappointment, extreme disappointment," he says.
Meanwhile the journey continues for Ms Penglase, her fellow campaigners and the thousands of others the Forgotten Australians inquiry was designed to help. The giddy emotions of the bus excursion to Canberra are fading fast.
"You read what the senators said and you think, 'This is an extraordinary and terrible story that everyone would want to address'," says Ms Penglase. "Well there certainly was an emotional response. But so far that was about it."
And what were those words she heard in the Senate?
"I am very pleased that we have been able to welcome these care leavers and their families into Parliament House to be part of this milestone in the history of the provision of care in Australia," said the inquiry chairwoman and Labor senator Jan McLucas.
"This report is an example of how the Senate works at its best."
Guessing the true costsNo specific accounts are kept of the cost of Senate inquiries, and costs for each can be only estimated, says the clerk of the Senate, Harry Evans.
Part of the reason is that senators' pay and allowances come from different budgets within Federal Parliament.
If an inquiry involves travel, senators are paid an overnight allowance on top of their usual salary. The allowance - for meals and hotels - depends on the city in which hearings are held. For instance, senators receive $300 a night for hearings in Sydney, but $228 a night for those in Hobart. They are paid $393 a night for remote destinations such as Yulara in the Northern Territory, according to figures supplied by the Remuneration Tribunal.
The senators' overnight allowances for the other state capitals are: Melbourne $277, Adelaide $260, Brisbane $255, Perth and Darwin $248, and Canberra $170.
An allowance is not claimable if a senator is already in the city on other parliamentary duties.
The Herald would like to hear from anyone who can assist us in exposing these or other issues. Confidential emails can be directed to: investigations@smh.com.au
Investigations editor Gerard Ryle: (02)92822347 or gryle@smh.com.au
Investigative reporter Lisa Pryor: (02)92822059 or lpryor@smh.com.au
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