Sunday, July 30, 2006

As a child placed into so called "Care" at Nazareth Houses

As a child placed into so called "Care" at Nazareth House Convent in Cardonald Glasgow from 1954 until 1963. I was two years old and eleven years old when I came out from Nazareth House Cardonald Glasgow..... I am appalled and disgusted by this judgement that has been received and again it begs the question to me for God's sake WHEN WILL WE HAVE ANY JUSTICE, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OR ANY APOLOGY BOTH PERSONAL AND PUBLIC FOR US ALL FROM THESE BLOODY HELLHOLES CALLED Nazareth House Orphanages around the world WHEN????? I am a survivor of many different forms of abuse I endured in this Godforsaken place during my time incarcerated there in my opinion it does not matter one jot when this abuse took place be it today, yesterday, this week, this month, this year, last year or even how many years ago the fact remains that it DID TAKE PLACE and I am sickened that the wheels of justice are in my opinion so geared in favour of the abuser's but so against the many survivors from these homes that span across the world WHY? WHY? WHY? we had injustice as innocent children and now as adults we are given more of the same WHY? WHY? WHY? Maria THE NAZARETH HOUSE ABUSE SCANDAL'S ALL AROUND THE WORLD CONTINUE TO BE IGNORED JUST WHY???

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